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The impact of the Internet
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Tudo bem levar a internet a sério, mas criar um "centro de estudos" não seria um pouco de mais? O pessoal em Oxford acha que não. Quando os acadêmicos chegam com seu palavreado burocrático e com sua tortuosa nomenclatura, costumam tirar toda a graça da coisa. (Vejam, por exemplo, os "campos de pesquisa" que eles estão proprondo...)
"The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is the world's first truly multidisciplinary Internet institute based in a major university. Exclusively devoted to the study of the impact of the Internet on society, the OII aims to put Oxford, the UK and Europe at the centre of debates about how the Internet could and should develop.
"Possible research areas include:
* global law enforcement
* governance and regulation
* privacy and security
* confidentiality and trust
* the boundaries of the nation state
* participation in the information society
* e-Government
* the delivery of public services
* e-Democracy
* Internet-enabled healthcare
* innovation and knowledge creation
* effects on education
* the digital divide
* problems and prospects for e-money
* impact on music and the creative arts
* community building and development
* e-Learning
* defence and counter-terrorism"
Postado por Julio Daio Borges
4/10/2002 às 17h28
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