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Threat from web start-ups
+ de 5500 Acessos
"(...)The internet now does a lot of information on all sorts of subjects better than newspapers.(...) I shouldn't be saying this live to the world outside - I should be keeping this a secret.(...)"
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"(...) pretending that the internet doesn't exist (...) [, Newspapers will eventually] fall off a cliff as the last reader dies.(...)"
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"(...)In some ways it's the most exciting time to be in newspapers. There's a revolution as big as Gutenberg and Caxton going on, but in many ways it's also frightening.(...)"
Alan Rusbridger, editor do Guardian (porque essas declarações são um marco, para emoldurar...).
Postado por Julio Daio Borges
11/4/2006 às 10h39
* esta seção é livre, não refletindo
necessariamente a opinião do site