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Segunda-feira, 13/3/2006
Ning (& FON)

(...)Creo que lo más interesante de construir FON es poder conocer a gente como Marc [Marc Andreessen]. Un genio, pero imagino que no soy ni el primero ni el último que lo dice.(...)

Martin Varsavsky, em seu blog (porque Marc fundou a Netscape - e, agora, a Ning -; e porque Martin - que está por trás do fenômeno FON - é um gênio também...)

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
13/3/2006 às 19h56

Você fala demais, garota...

Todo conteúdo postado aqui não tem garantias, nem confere direito algum a quem lê. Até este mesmo texto pode mudar com o tempo. Nenhum parágrafo isolado ou texto por inteiro deste blog deve ser levado em consideração, especialmente a sua existência. Pois nada aqui é feito, escrito, criado, copiado com o intuito de se ter vantagem contada.

Desfrute enquanto durar.

A Silenciosa, que, claro, linca pra nós.

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
13/3/2006 às 08h45

The Future of Media

(...)Here is the future of media:

1) Microchunk it: Reduce the content to its simplest form.

2) Free it: Put it out there without walls around it or strings on it.

3) Syndicate it: Let anyone take it and run with it.

4) Monetize it: Put the monetization and tracking systems into the microchunk.

(...)This is where media is going and its not going to be stopped.

Venture Capital and Technology (porque... você não tem seu RSS feed ainda? Pois deveria...)

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
10/3/2006 às 19h47

New Groove

Most newspaper companies still have their heads in the sand, but other media companies are aggressive. And there are completely new start-up companies. There is a great pace of development, which is very exciting.

* * *

(...)I admire Google enormously. It's a great competitive force. The great thing about Google is the 56 [million] or 57 million ads that are coming from people who never advertised before-the local pizza store or shoemaker. There's been a huge democratization of both distribution and retailing.

* * *

(...)the Internet is broadening our opportunity, as well as for other big media companies with huge resources in sports, entertainment and news. There's just more opportunity. We are going to be seeing more [profits] in newspapers coming out of electronic delivery. The film industry may find that the [release] windows and the way it distributes films change. It's going to force a lot of change in the business models. But the absolute demand for content won't change. We believe that puts us on the eve of a new era of opportunity.

Keith Rupert Murdoch, o magnata da grande imprensa, na Newsweek (porque, do alto dos seus 74 anos, ele enxerga mais longe do que muita gente com metade da sua idade...).

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
10/3/2006 às 14h29

Advice for new managers

The central mistake new managers make is egoism. On the surface, the change is all about you: you've been promoted, you have a new job title, you have a new office. Perhaps you've been waiting for this change for some time, while watching peers or friends get promotions, and now finally you feel you've received the respect you've earned. Congratulations! But be warned: how or why you became a manager has little to do with doing the job well. The sooner you recognize how different success as a manager is from success as worker, the better off you'll be. Good managers are rare (how many have you had?): so if you're new to the game, and would like to be a good one, this essay is for you.

Scott Berkun, na primeira parte de seu ensaio sobre como gerênciar "recursos humanos"...

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
9/3/2006 às 14h42

teu filho, teu brilho

teu filho
teu trilho
teu brilho

Paulo Leminski, inspirado em João Bonvicino (porque o Régis Bonvicino me indicou esse site e também o atualizado dele...)

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
9/3/2006 às 08h31

The flow state

Time slows down, concentration comes effortlessly, distraction melts away.

É o estado em que se encontra, de novo, Joe Kraus, fundador do Excite, dez anos depois (porque... você não está na internet? Onde você está então?)

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
8/3/2006 às 19h16

Interactivity Ethics

The barriers to entry in blogging are very low. You want to get your ideas out? You can start a blog in 15 minutes. So why do you feel entitled - and that's not too strong a word for what I hear sometimes - to put your comments on someone else's site?

* * *

(...)I'd like to see reporters and editors blogging. And then you will know them as individuals, not merely as employees.

* * *

I argue that we should not be talking about "who is a journalist" but rather "what is an act of journalism"? And anyone can, indeed, perform such an act, and that doesn't mean only reporting; it also means adding facts and corrections and questions and editing as well (bloggers on my RSS feed are my editors). Journalism should not be a closed society of people. Journalism must be an open act of society. And the professional journalists need to find more ways to enable that. That is how journalism will grow even as newspapers shrink.

Trechos do painel que se seguiu ao fim dos comentários num dos blogs do (porque o caso já envelheceu, mas a discussão, não...)

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
8/3/2006 às 17h14

Tech's Big Comeback

Startups are hot - again. Valuations are nuts - again. Fortunes are being made - again.

Michael V. Copeland & Om Malik, no (por que... você não está mesmo na internet? Ah, que pena).

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
7/3/2006 às 16h54

The New Boom

The dotcom business models of the 1990s may have been based on wild projections of broadband, advertising, and ecommerce trends. But the funny thing is, even after the bubble burst, those trends continued. These days, it's hard to find a technology-adoption projection from 1999 that hasn't come true. Meanwhile, the digital-media boom sparked by the iPod and iTunes has blown through even the most aggressive forecasts.

Chris Anderson, na Wired (explicando porque, agora, temos boom mas não temos bolha... você não sabia?)

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Postado por Julio Daio Borges
7/3/2006 às 16h46

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Julio Daio Borges

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