Quarta-feira, 6/4/2005 What it means to be a man Eduardo Carvalho For instance? Well, for instance, what it means to be a man. In a city. In a century. In transition. In a mass. Transformed by science. Under organized power. Subject to tremendous controls. In a condition caused by mechanization. After the late failure of radical hopes. In a society that was no community and devalued the person. Owing to the multiplied power of numbers which made the self negligible. Which spent military billions against foreign enemies but would not pay for order at home. Which permitted savagery and barbarism in its own great cities. Saul Bellow empacotou. Nunca tive coragem de acabar Herzog, de onde Christopher Hitchens extraiu o trecho acima. Li mais de cinco vezes as primeiras frases de uma edição antiga, que tenho na fazenda - e parei sempre. Mas li Ravelstein, que foi suficiente para não me esquecer de Bellow para o resto da vida. Eduardo Carvalho |