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Quinta-feira, 28/4/2005
Tragedy Of Manners
Julio Daio Borges

John O'Hara: Dealing candidly with matters that other novelists merely danced around. (Ann Zane Shanks)

Literary reputation and popular taste usually have nothing in common beyond mutual contempt, but in the matter of John O'Hara they are in firm agreement: Once respected by critics for his tart short stories and early novels, beloved by the mass readership for his blockbuster novels of the 1950s and 1960s, O'Hara is now scorned by the literary establishment and pretty much forgotten by readers, except older ones who remember his heyday.

Jonathan Yardley, coincidentemente sobre John O'Hara, que outro dia, aqui, eu citei.

Julio Daio Borges
28/4/2005 às 17h41


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