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Quarta-feira, 13/7/2005
Today I Worked on My Book
Julio Daio Borges

For years, book authors have used the Internet to publicize their work and to keep in touch with readers. Several (...) are now experimenting with maintaining blogs while still in the act of writing their books.(...)

Instead of simply being a relief from writerly solitude, these blogs have turned into part of the process.(...)

Authors' blogs also change the solitary mission of writing into something more closely resembling open-source software. Mistakes are corrected before they are eternalized in printed pages, and readers can take satisfaction that they contributed to a book's creation.

Tania Ralli, no The New York Times (porque até que não é má idéia: escrever um livro e escrever, sobre este livro, um blog...).

Julio Daio Borges
13/7/2005 às 16h29


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