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Sometimes your voice is the only thing
that can break a stereotype. I know it sounds
crazy, but to me it has always been true. I have
had so many labels put on me before anyone
ever got a chance to know me that I had to
make sure to speak up louder than anyone else
just to break down certain barriers.
When I
started Whitespace, I made sure not to post
a picture of myself for a long time because I
am not an old, white male. I didn't want to
influence the way people saw me without
reading what I had to say. I started off as a
relative unknown and in the large scale of
things I am still an unknown, however blogs
gave me a chance to establish myself on a global
scale and they give everybody that option.
no other time in history has this occurred
so it really is something special. What I like
about the voices we pick for the Network is
that when you read them you get a sense of
the passion behind the voices. You know what
is being said is really what that person feels.
They can't hide behind a brand or a company
because they are the brand. We are just trying
to help these unique voices reach a broader
audience by giving them more opportunities
to do so.
Paul Scrivens, CEO do tão falado 9rules, em entrevista à nova revista Treehouse (em PDF).
Postado por Julio Daio Borges
26/10/2005 às 08h21
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