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Heberti Rodrigo
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Upside-down figures. Miró
Dear Heberti,
I'm absolutely delighted that you have this success! It's wonderful news, and well deserved. Your unique style and determination as a writer always impressed me. I never had the slightest doubt that you would find a readership through writing in your own language (you can be translated when you're world famous) and I'm just so very pleased that you had the courage to go through with it. Please do stay in touch any time you like.
With best wishes to your wife and son and you,
Dr. Rebecca Bilkau is First Chairperson of Writers Ink, a poet, playwright,
life-writer and optimist. She has taught Creative Writing at the Universities of Lancaster, Central Lancashire and Cumbria, as well as the Open University in England and the TU Braunschweig. Her stories have been performed on Irish television, her plays presented in community venues in London, and her prose has appeared in the Buddhist and national press. In 2012 she
moved to Lower Saxony, Germany, where she now lives with her husband and her dog.
Contato: [email protected]
Postado por Heberti Rodrigo
30/4/2016 às 13h32
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